Strategy Journey Analyzer Assessment (#9004111222010075)

Start your next STRATEGY JOURNEY on the right PATH…NOW!

This assessment will enable to gain clarity on HOW to approach your next strategy journey.

You’ll receive a ROADMAP WORKBOOK that will NOT ONLY help you to overcome many of your business challenges including disruptions that are currently hampering your growth, but it will support you to achieve a real TRANSFORMATION… in your Business and Career.

Enter your contact details to start the assessment. Just 9 questions to go… (3-5 mins to complete)

NB: Some parts of this assessment may not work on mobiles and smaller screens so please use your desktop where required.


What is your primary area of responsibility (ROLE) in the business, organization or enterprise that you serve? *
Please select the role category based on your primary responsibilities where you spend >= 75-80% of your time, and which you get paid for.
eg. if you’re a consultant, then what do you do for your client.
Answer ‘Yes’, if you are a member of the Board of Directors, a C-Suite or equivalent Senior Executive, or you’re an SME (Small & Medium Business) Owner

Great !  Let’s learn more about your company & its PROBLEM CONTEXT…

What is the size of the business, organization or enterprise that you serve? *
If you’re a a consultant, then what are the typical sizes of the clients that you specialize in serving?
? What TRANSFORMATION CHALLENGES are you focused on addressing in your current role? *

Please select your TOP THREE(3) priority objectives.
You are responsible and/or accountable for delivering solutions, outcomes & experiences that achieve these objectives.

Good to have clear priorities !

Before you answer the next question, it’s important to clarify some definitions of what constitutes as a disruption, a threat and an opportunity…
the three(3) key drivers for transformation. 

DISRUPTION: Businesses need to keep transforming and adapt to their ecosystem, in order to overcome disruptions, which may come from all angles. You should be conducting a PESTLE analysis (included with guidance in the ROADMAP workbook) to understand all the possible  political, economic, societal, technology, legal or environmental disruptions that could impact a company and its performance. eg. Look at the wider impacts of climate change and the CORONAVIRUS pandemic. 

THREAT: There are equally known threats from competitor offerings or from changing consumer and customer behaviors. These could lead your user uptakes, and related revenues and profits to slide (decrease) as customers and/or users flock to alternative services. This situation could happen independently or in conjunction with mounting costs… thus posing a threat to a business model and the very survival of the business in the longer term. 

OPPORTUNITY: Companies may also choose to be proactive and innovate new services to capture new market opportunities with speed to market. Choosing to fill the gaps in the market strategically or tactically, can enable a company to capture new customers and form a strong brand from being first to market with their innovation. The approach taken can achieve great results… no matter how big or small the innovation or investment required to make it a reality. eg. Tesla’s Mission Model strategy (See the Mission Model case study example in the BOOK).

All of these… are key reasons that should account for why changes and transformation projects should be funded, and thus support prioritzation, decision making and the accounting for a return on investment (ROI).

Remembering your chosen TOP 3 Transformation Challenges:

We’re going to join the dots now with Digital Transformation…

In today’s fast changing digital economy, many different disruptions, threats and opportunities are driving the need for transformation in businesses. Our research and study of THE STRATEGY JOURNEY, indicates that there are THREE DIGITAL ECONOMY CHALLENGES that companies must to focus their efforts, when it comes to their digital transformations. 

  1. Business Model Disruption: when the way a business sells its products and services to customers is no longer capable of turning a profit or growing to sustain the business’s operation.
  2. Servicing relevant customer journeys: when customers change how they behave and how they need to be served, thus impacting the relevancy of existing products and services and driving the need for new service innovations to fulfil their expectations
  3. Sustainable transformation: when a business is unable to adapt or reinvent its services and transform its operations effectively, with existing efforts delivering minimal or no value-add, despite heavy investment… and there is little or unjustifiable ROI.

So is the primary DIGITAL ECONOMY CHALLENGE that you are addressing in your role!

Great thanks ! 

Now let’s get into WHO are your CUSTOMERS or STAKEHOLDERS.

This is one of the important aspects to successful transformation…

We cover this in more detail in the ROADMAP WORKBOOK that comes with this assessment, where you will be able to conduct a stakeholder review. So to get started…

Great! Now back to you

so we can connect and join the dots between your PROBLEM or PROJECT and you

And can you elaborate on your PERSONAL STRENGTHS and areas (skills and experiences) where you feel you need PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT or GROWTH in relation to your ROLE on your TRANSFORMATION PROJECT?

It’s vital to assess your own understanding and clarity of yourself… so we can help support you to transform personally, in the right areas to join the dots and fill those gaps in your skills and capabilities.

Great, just one final question on how you like to learn!

How would you like THE STRATEGY JOURNEY Method and Roadmap to help you with your TRANSFORMATION PROJECTS? *

Select ‘ALL’ that apply